American Productivity Group, LLC.
Speaking Bureau and Consulting Specialists
The American Productivity Group of companies have been providing solutions for small and large businesses for over 50 years. Our activities have ranged from starting businesses, creating new products/machinery, developing I.P. protections, manufacturing, robotics/factory automation, building the infrastructure to ensure reliable recruiting/training/motivation/salesmanship, marketing/brand building, territory development and agent/supplier relationtionship growing, acquisitions and spin-offs and running educational seminars and work shops.
Dwight Carey, Founder and Principal, American Productivity Group and its Affiliated Companies,
Professor Carey started his first corporation 50+ years ago within three months after completing college. During those years he has started seventeen national and international corporations, LLCs and partnerships. In addition to becoming a successful serial entrepeneur, he became a professor, Senior Fellow, Dean's Teaching Fellow and a Lindback Foundation Distinguished Teacher at Temple University,
teaching four courses per semester on Advanced Entrepreneurship, Strategic Businesss Planning, Global Business Policies, Engineering Entrepreneurship and Launching a Profitable Business in 100 Days. In addition he mentors 20+ business start-ups for undergraduate, graduate students and professionals.
He is listed as one of the top twenty five entrepreneurial professors in the world. He sits on Boards of corporations and educational organizations both in the United States and abroad. He has edited and produced five books on entrepreneurship. Carey is a sought after national and inter-national guest speaker, as well as being a guest on national television and radio shows. During his business and academic careers he has been awarded many honors including Congressional Businessman of The Year, the Ronald Reagan Gold Medal for Business Leadership, the President's Platinum Award, Specialty Publishing's Business Technology Partner Award, amonst many others.
Dwight Carey is looking forward to working with you and your team.
He can be contacted at to discuss what you want to accomplish.